Monday, 21 December 2009

Writing Workshops: 02 February-30 March 2010, 3-4pm Boole 5 (Boole Basement)

02 Feb. Workshop 01: Essay Preparation
This workshop will focus on:
. Effective note-taking
. Question analysis
. Assignment planning

09 Feb. Workshop 02: Critical Analysis
This workshop will focus on:
. Introducing and defining critical thinking
. Applying critical thinking to your reading and writing
. Critical thinking and visual analysis of images

16 Feb. Workshop 03: Developing Your Writing
This workshop will focus on:
. The writing process
. Understanding your audience
. Reflecting through redrafting

23 Feb. Workshop 04: Referencing
This workshop will focus on:
. Why referencing is important in academic writing
. Representing evidence in academic writing
. How to avoid plagiarism

02 February-30 March 2010,3-4pm Boole 5 (Boole Basement)

Students are welcome to suggest topics for future sessions. Please e-mail James Cronin with your suggestions.